The story is told in the Bible:
How Noah he built his Ark
to save all nature's creations
when the sky 'came terrible dark.
He had white leghorns.
and prairie dogs.
He had buffalo and baboons
He didn't want to miss none;
so, he didn't have to choose.
He just took
Two of each kind.
Two of each kind.
A divine design.
Just two of each kind.
Well, now we've got a rich man
who's runnin' for president.
He talks of being inclusive
to his party's astonishment.
He's got Jamaicans.
and Africans,
Native Americans and Chinese.
You wouldn't think a white man
was amoung his devotees.
Yes, he's got
Two of each kind.
Two of each kind.
A divine design.
Just two of each kind.
What will the rich man's friends all say
at the Skull and Bones Society.
If he tries to give their club away,
They'll take
his key.
Oh no, he won't be privileged.
But back in the club
where the press cannot see.
He taunts his chums
with a mocking frown.
"Chauncey, Gifford
you should be contrite.
When the Lord tells us Noah
kept two of each kind,
there's no doubt,
but I should point out
that Noah kept two, but the others all drowned."
So we'll keep
Two of each kind.
Two of each kind.
A divine design.
Just two of each kind.